
Archive for July, 2014

I finally did it. I took the plunge, took a deep breath, handed over my Blackberry and was presented with a shiny, new iPhone 5s, which I promptly put in a case, because I am a klutz and I want to avoid the smashed screen I’ve seen so many people with.

If you are asking what a Blackberry is … don’t worry about it, it’s a Canadian thing and if you asked anyone I worked with, it belonged in an antiquity museum alongside the rotary dial phone.

The biggest learning curve for me has been texting and writing emails without a key pad. I have to use the screen. I might as well be using my elbows to try and hit the buttons I miss type so often. It’s frustrating – I type die instead of for … which is not good when I’m saying I’ll do something for you.

But, I have also been introduced to the world of apps and I am like a child with a video game. I cannot keep my eyes off the screen. I have an app that tells me how far I’ve walked, one that I record everything I eat, one that lets me create my own music, another that plays sounds of rain to help me get to sleep. If I’m curious about how I’ve slept, I have an app for that. The upcoming conference I’m attending has an app.

I. Am. So. Excited.

And being able to record what I’ve eaten and how much I should eat with a few simple pushes of a button, or scan of a barcode has helped me lose some weight already. And yes, today is Day 6 of the ab challenge!


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I will never, ever complain about the heat. After the weather we get here for six-to-eight months of the year, I will never say anything nasty about warm temperatures.

However I’d like to point out two things I could do without when the temperature finally shoots up.

  1. Moisture
  2. Mosquitoes

Seriously in Cambodia, you know, the jungle, it doesn’t get this moist and then after the afternoon thundershower/downpour it cools off … at least for 15 minutes. Here, when it rains in the afternoon all it does is make it a little muggier. It’s a good thing a constant shine is a good look for me *cough* lie *cough.* Also, these do-nothing-to-reduce-the-temperature-or-sticky-conditions thunderstorms have been occurring in the middle of the night, so after finally being able to get to sleep in the heat, I get to wake up again.

Now an understatement would be say that all this moisture and heat have been good for the mosquitoes. I’m pretty sure I saw one the size of a small house cat. Around here a flyswatter does nothing to these things, you need a shotgun to keep them at bay. I jest, but only kind of. I went for a walk after work the other day and my legs look like I contracted chickenpox while I was out. Also, these mosquitoes have some incredible aim. Every single spot is on a vein.

All that being said – let’s hear it for hot weather!!

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