
Posts Tagged ‘app’

I finally did it. I took the plunge, took a deep breath, handed over my Blackberry and was presented with a shiny, new iPhone 5s, which I promptly put in a case, because I am a klutz and I want to avoid the smashed screen I’ve seen so many people with.

If you are asking what a Blackberry is … don’t worry about it, it’s a Canadian thing and if you asked anyone I worked with, it belonged in an antiquity museum alongside the rotary dial phone.

The biggest learning curve for me has been texting and writing emails without a key pad. I have to use the screen. I might as well be using my elbows to try and hit the buttons I miss type so often. It’s frustrating – I type die instead of for … which is not good when I’m saying I’ll do something for you.

But, I have also been introduced to the world of apps and I am like a child with a video game. I cannot keep my eyes off the screen. I have an app that tells me how far I’ve walked, one that I record everything I eat, one that lets me create my own music, another that plays sounds of rain to help me get to sleep. If I’m curious about how I’ve slept, I have an app for that. The upcoming conference I’m attending has an app.

I. Am. So. Excited.

And being able to record what I’ve eaten and how much I should eat with a few simple pushes of a button, or scan of a barcode has helped me lose some weight already. And yes, today is Day 6 of the ab challenge!


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