
Posts Tagged ‘boyfriend’

You know the most important thing to do if you want to be a writer? Practice. And yet, you get home from a long day at work and you know the last thing you want to do is sit down and write. Me too. Until I signed up for Writing 101 – WordPress will sent a prompt every weekday for the month of April.

Day Seven: “Write a post based on the contrast between two things — whether people, objects, emotions, places, or something else.”

She is cold, but he is hot (seriously, her toes are constantly ice and it’s like he has a built in furnace)

She is left, he is right (there have been arguments over the environment, world politics, etc.)

She forces herself to eat healthy; he likes cheese melted on carb followed by dessert (she wishes she could eat that way)

She is likes 80s rock, he likes pop from the 2000s (at least they can stand each other’s music)

She is outgoing, but he is shy (so sometimes she finds herself talking for him)

She bounds out of bed at 6 a.m. ready to take on the world; he needs a few coffees (and would rather worth to midnight, long after she is asleep).


They both run.

They both believe they can help to make the world a better place.

They both love to travel.

They both love language, arts and culture.

Birds of a feather flock together and opposites attract.

Either way you look at it, it’s still love.

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You know the most important thing to do if you want to be a writer/blogger/reporter/script writer/whatever? Practice. And yet, you get home from a long day at work and you know the last thing you want to do is sit down and write. That was me (clearly, my last post was in February), until today (I hope).

I signed up for Writing 101 – when wordpress will sent a prompt every weekday for the next month – and I will try to write as many of them as time/energy allows.

Day One:To get started, let’s loosen up. Let’s unlock the mind. Today, take twenty minutes to free write. And don’t think about what you’ll write. Just write.”

I never thought I would be one to fall into a stereotypical gender role in a relationship, yet here I am asking if I can make dinner or start a load of laundry.

It’s weird how a relationship works, two people working together to make something. I’ve always been an equal partner kind of a girl, if you buy me dinner one night, I will buy you dinner the next. Yet I am in a wonderful relationship with someone that I cannot come close to matching financially. He makes nearly double what I do, and I don’t do that poorly for myself.

Is this rapidly becoming a #firstworldproblems post?

I get it, “oh, woe is me; my boyfriend makes too much money.” But there is another reality to it – I have always been fiercely independent and want to continue that way. We like to go out, he likes to go out, and wants me to be okay if he pays – and I have to be or else we have to stop going out and that would fundamentally change who he is – so that brings me back to, how do I contribute? What do I need to add to make the relationship work? I am too smart, and not pretty/skinny enough to be a trophy partner, although more often than not, I am told how lucky I am to be with him.

My inner feminist usually wants to hit that person, but I feel like decking a well-dressed elderly woman at a black-tie function would have people thinking things far worse than she is lucky to have him. I think the only reason that is the initial reaction is I have worked so hard to be me, to stand on my own two feet, to create a career for myself and work towards leaving a legacy. I don’t have a problem with having people think I am lucky to have him, as long as they think he is lucky to have me too.

I mean, I am really lucky to have him, but not just because he falls under the most eligible bachelor category (which I am realizing in most people’s minds just means with a good job, decent money and not entirely unfortunately looking). I am lucky, because he is kind and thoughtful; because we have in-depth conversations about how to change the world; because we can have fun together in any situations whether a fundraiser or a burger at McDonalds.

We are a good match.

But it catches up with me, what can I do? What can I give to him? I can cook, and he is usually okay with that. I’ve asked if I can start laundry or do house cleaning, but he flatly refuses. So I spend my time trying to figure out what I can do. And it is so strange for me to think of ways to help that fall into the traditional female tasks. I’d offer to mow the lawn, but we live in a condo and I’d offer to fix the car, but things might turn out worse than we started.

Instead I do what I can, I try to anticipate his needs, and show how much I care for him. As someone who has historically found a string of mediocre men masquerading as the real deal, this relationship makes for a refreshing change. It’s open, honest and very much adult – no crazy drama, or petty fights. And I would like to keep it going.

How do I become a more equal partner, I keep being myself (because that’s why he liked me to begin with), I keep looking out for him (because I love him) and ride out everything else that comes.

And so far, it promises to be an exciting ride.

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It was a perfect Sunday afternoon, lunch was finished, a great yoga practice in the morning and we were curled up on the bed with tea, looking out the windows at the city.

It sounds like the beginning of a novel that I would love to read, but it’s actually how I spent my Sunday. We talked about everything, him and I, past relationships, plans for the future, just stuff and stories. When he asked, “why am I different?”

I knew what he meant, I knew he was curious about why me, with a history of bailing on any guy who even looked like he might love me, would sit on the bed and talk about a future with him.

It’s not something I can really articulate, it’s a level of comfort that is there even since we first met, it’s an absolute trust in him, it’s a similar drive and approach to life, it’s love. It’s all of those things and more.

He understood and we watched the sky turn pink as the sun set.

It really was a perfect Sunday afternoon.

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I’m an opinionated person, and I’m pretty set in my ways, but this man I am dating, my boyfriend, has really made me change my tune on relationships.

When someone treats you so well that you cannot imagine how you existed before, it makes one rethink their position on not getting too attached.

Historically I was a, there isn’t a person out there for everyone, love them and leave them, don’t get too close, kind of a girl. But this man makes me realize that being treated well is really the way to go. Now when friends talk about how they are being treated poorly by some guy or another, I want them to leave because I want them to have what I have.

For example. He is out of town for work again this week/weekend. He brought me a bouquet of my favouite flowers, because he wanted me to have something pretty/alive to brighten my mood while he is away.

I am constantly at a lack of how to repay his kindness to me.

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Is it possible to love two people? Or really three or four?

Were people really designed to mate for life?

I spend a lot of time confused about how I should feel or how I’m supposed to fell about the people in my life. I know that sounds kind of stupid, but everyone says when you meet the right person you just know.

Well I’m on my third time where I think I know and a couple more that I am pretty sure about, but I still have no idea if I know. If I knew, wouldn’t I be able to hang out with an old friend without being confused? A lot of what I feel is loyalty – if you have done right by me, I will do right for you for as long as I can. I owe you for looking out for me.

My therapist thinks that maybe the problem isn’t many men who like me, but why I feel the way I feel about them.

Life continues to be interesting and I am working hard not to screw up this great relationship I have. He travels. I get to go sometimes, when I don’t get to go, I get a postcard (and I love that), and each one ends the same way. Thinking of you in (place name). He sends them without fail, whether away for a weekend conference or a longer stay and each one tells me the things he wants to show me and share with me.

It’s both an amazing thing, but really scary.

Maybe that’s why I’ve not written often, too much is going on in my head.

Hopefully lighter topics to come soon.

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I always figured that when I was in a “serious adult relationship” (read in a serious voice) or I had a boyfriend, that the reason I would miss being single is that I would be restricted to window shopping.

It turns out, I don’t miss dating other men or flirting (because I still do a little), but rather I miss alone time.

It’s not that the time with the guy is anything less than completely wonderful, but I have spent a lot of time on my own during the years. I have steps and plans in place to stay organized (which I have to be to keep insanity at bay) and get things accomplished. When you are either at someone’s house all the time or you are always feeling like you have to entertain at your own house, that time dissipates.

The other night, the man was out of town. I got work done, did some lingering volunteer work that I had to, played music, did laundry and was totally organized for work the next morning AND then I called my parents for a great catch up chat. I miss being able to do that more often.

It’s funny how many women out there long for a relationship, I can’t help but think I’ve been programmed a little wrong.


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This past weekend I was given a key to my boyfriend’s house (I still don’t like the word boyfriend, but it’s easier than trying to describe why this “guy I’m seeing, gave me his house key).

It made the most sense because I had to run out somewhere at the same time he did, but was leaving some work to come back to before he would be finished. So he gave me a key.

Then he said, “I don’t need it back right away, so you can hang on to it.”

I really didn’t have time to panic or marvel over being given a key at the time … but I’ve had lots of time to think about it since, and several girlfriends to consult.

To one I asked, “Aren’t we moving really quickly?”

She responded with, “You’re not 20 anymore.”

I’m not entirely sure what that meant, but I’m taking it as, you make better decisions about men as you are older so it is less likely just lust or a passing fancy that I am feeling.

Another friend offered up this gem, “You got a key before anyone dropped the L-bomb? Crazy.”

I didn’t really stop to think about that. I know he loves me. I’m not sure why we both can’t get over our hang ups to tell each other how we feel.

I know I have had bad experiences with the two times I said I love you – once earned me a blank stare at the time and the other was during a breakup so the response was, “oh fuck.”

This weekend I learned that they weren’t much of an ‘I love you’ kind of family, so I guess that might create some issues. But he was married. Love had to come up occasionally, right? And it has to come up in my future with him, right?

In the meantime, I have access to his house, so I’ll take that as a small, but positive sign.

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I’ve mentioned my commitment issues before. Those issues are why things are moving really slow with this amazing guy I’m dating.

It’s funny because we are around each other all the time, I really like him, but I still struggle with letting him care for me or having any discussion about us/relationship/talking to others. It’s the strangest thing … mostly I want to scream it from the rooftop, but yet when I open my mouth nothing comes out.

I am getting a crash course in what it means to have someone (I mean aside from your parents) really care for you. The other day he wasn’t sleeping well, so I sent him home in the middle of the night. I needed to sleep and so did he, so I gave him that opportunity.

This meant I was up late, which then meant that I didn’t get enough sleep, which lead me to being really, really behind in the morning. He sent a text in the morning, which I saw, but not really and when he called I ignored it because I was running out of the house.

I checked my phone again from work. And let him know I was fine by text.

He confessed to being at house, having driven over to make sure I was okay, because he was worried that I was still sleeping or something.

This was a lot to absorb. On one hand, I thought it was so sweet and kind, on the other I was frustrated at his concern, I’ve been looking after me for a decade now. This is being in a relationship. It’s good, but still requires some getting used to, it’s not just about me anymore.

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You know when you think things are going better than they ever could and then, somehow, they get better?

That’s how I felt when I got to my hotel room after a long day of work in one of our other offices and found flowers and a card.

The man (manfriend? This language thing is killing me) knew these meetings would be draining, so he sent a small bouquet of my favourite flowers and card. Not only did he get me a card, but he wrote an inspiring message inside it.

Is it possible that all of this is too good to be true?

And this is how second guessing everything starts… I’m really focusing on simply being in the moment and not thinking about the future.

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I finally told my friend that the person I was spending a lot of time with, and really, (I mean REALLY) liked, was her ex. Before you get all judgmental on me here:

  1. She left him
  2. I didn’t know him when they were together.

She took it all well-ish, I guess.

She was more upset that I didn’t say anything sooner, but the reality is, I wasn’t really sorted about how I felt and there was no sense walking through that minefield until I was sure.

She said she was happy for me, but then proceeded to tell me two minutes worth of why it wouldn’t work – mainly slagging him. I was highly unimpressed, especially considering she considers him her friend still.

I can only imagine what she’ll tell him about me.

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