
Posts Tagged ‘cry’

I don’t know if you all have seen this, or if the name is a dead giveaway, but Les Misérables is totally heartbreaking … and not just once, but again, and again.

imagesI saw it for the first time tonight and my puffy, red eyes and my tear-stained face are a testament to how moved I was, but the genius part is, every heart break is followed by a tiny moment of levity – just so you can have the briefest breather.

All in all, Les Misérables is an incredible performance.

Oh, and I think I found my dream man. The guy who leads the students in the revolution, he’s driven for the cause, yet caring. The guy who played the role in the production I saw had an Orlando Bloom (during his Pirates of the Caribbean era) look about him.

A few other observations – I’d like to learn to sing … and dance.

I again wonder if I missed my calling and I should be on the stage (stage fright when playing an instrument be damned).

Also, the drive of the students behind the barricade, I remember having that drive. I want it back again, to feel so passionately about a cause – I miss that.

Last thought, how heartbreaking/hauntingly beautiful is the role of Éponine in the musical. She is treated horribly by her parents, has unrequited love and then dies. Blerg.

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Sometimes I hate being a girl – mainly because I don’t think this happens to guys.

I feel like I’m constantly under pressure to perform 100 per cent at my job, a place that I have been saying, “it’s really busy right now,” for a year and a half non-stop.

I feel this pressure to lose the rest of the weight I want to, so I over think everything I put in my mouth (which eventually leads me to snapping and eating a ¼ cup of peanut butter one little bite at a time with a spoon). I also work out all the time. I often have low blood sugar.

I feel tired, whether it’s burn out, low iron content or what I don’t know, but I have no get-up-and-go spark anymore.

I feel like I am supposed have better functioning relationships with men, or more specifically a man.

And sometimes I can deal with all those things, and sometimes, like tonight I just have to curl up into a ball and cry, because I simply cannot think of anything else to do. So, I’ll be back tomorrow and hopefully/likely with a sunnier outlook.

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