
Posts Tagged ‘first time’

IMG01173-20140323-1749Poached eggs are the way to go, protein, no additional fat in the cooking process and they go on everything from salad to toast (if you are looking for comfort food).

When you get it just right, nothing can be better. I usually poach in a silicone pod, but today I wanted to branch out and knock something else off my 101 in 1001 list.

So I started reading website and I consulted my mom and I had it nearly figured out save the indecision about to use vinegar or not to use vinegar. Mom doesn’t like the smell, but websites recommend it for first timers like me.

Then, in the far recesses of the internet, the suggestion to use seasoned rice vinegar, so I did.

And my first poaching experience was a raging success (as you can kind of tell by the blurry cell phone photo – yes, I do not have an iPhone). You can’t taste the rice vinegar, so it’s just a whole lot of salt-and-peppery, eggy goodness.

Seriously, if I can do it, so can you!

Now to deal with the dishes, somehow I ended up with a pot, a chopstick, a silicon spatula, a plate, and a small dish all dirty. So maybe poached is not the most effective method of cooking and egg, but one worthy of a feeling of accomplishment.

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