
Posts Tagged ‘green smoothie’

When I was a kid there was a joke that I really loved.

What’s green and red and goes a hundred miles an hour?

A: A frog in a blender. (Don’t judge, I was a science geek that enjoyed grossing people out).

The joke continued … what’s green, red and brown, and goes 100 miles an hour?

A: The same frog, a week later.

I haven’t thought of that in years – but it came to mind while making my smoothie this morning. No, not because I decided to throw a frog in, but the smoothie turned out to be the colour I always imagined when telling the second part of the joke.

The smoothie was actually made of frozen banana, peanut butter, cocoa powder, milk and spinach and tasted delicious. I highly recommend it, but maybe don’t think of frogs in a blender.

Tomorrow’s smoothie will be strawberry banana – or at least something different than swamp water brown.

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This morning I ran a 10K race – my first ever. I wanted to come in less than one hour.

tumblr_mk47ht3zyZ1rxvrlvo1_50059:45 Wheeee!!!

Two-and-a-half years ago if you told me I would be running I would have responded with something along the lines of, the only way I’d run is if I was being chased by a bear. Now, with four 5Ks under my belt and my first 10K completed, I couldn’t imagine my life without running.

Running has changed how I eat – because running after binging on not healthy food the night before, sucks. It’s changed how I work out, how I look and how I feel about myself.

If you’ve ever considered running – don’t be held back. Start slow. My first “run” I walked for five minutes, ran for 30 seconds, and then repeated that cycle for 30 minutes. Overtime the run portions became longer, things hurt less and I started to appreciate the time I had with myself.

My initial plan was to go out and have a totally gross breakfast as my reward, but I was feeling so good, I came home and had a super healthy smoothie … and a couple of eggos.Here’s to that good feeling that stays after getting the runner’s high.


Green Smoothie Goodness – avocado, frozen banana, spinach, chocolate milk

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