
Posts Tagged ‘hey’


That is the most common start to emails I receive from people via the dating website.

In some cases, that’s it.

I really like those ones – you click on the message hoping (really against all previous knowledge) that someone has managed to string some of the thousands and thousands of words in the English language to make a use able sentence and all there is, it Hey.

The first time it happened, it came with a blurry, out-of-focus picture attached. I foolishly thought that maybe they thought they should just get my attention, so I would click on their profile and learn all about them.

So I did.

I swear the only thing the guy had written was, “you want to know? Ask me.”

Right. So  to confirm, I’m to ask you about you, when you can’t think of a single thing to say to me, and my entire knowledge of you is a random series of letters, followed by numbers that you call a username and the word, “Hey.”

Thanks, but you know, I might take a pass.

I realize that I might have high standards, but when I send a message, I’ve read someone’s profile, found them interesting and genuinely want to know more.

Of course, I’ve consistently messaged unemployed losers, still living at home, who’s profiles might not be “exactly accurate.” I’ve also messaged people, who without know who I am ripped apart a good friend of mine, that was classy.

I do have a date though.

Not only did he send me some advice on where/who I could go running with (I’m still fairly new to this town), he answered some running related questions for me, which were largely spelled correctly and had good grammar.

I’m taking all of this as a positive sign.

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