
Posts Tagged ‘meeting the parents’

So after meeting the parents of my friend with benefits I start getting a little less laid back about the whole, I’ll-see-you-when-I-see-you arrangement.

I could maybe be considered clingy, but not in an ew, gross back off kind of a way, but more of a I-have-the-weekend-off-you-have-the-weekend-off-we-should-hang-out way. I thought he was on the same page.

That’s where the trouble always starts isn’t it.

Then he didn’t clearly communicate that he wasn’t driving the hour and a half to see me, until I was expecting him on my doorstep. I was right pissed off, which largely lead to him completely shutting down.

Except not really, we were talking and texting every day, but it was weird, awkward and stilted. So I called him on it and we talked. It turns out I have met the only person on the face of the planet more commitment phobic than I am. I mean I’m not looking for a long-term commitment, my plan is still to move far, far away from here and his plan is to stay exactly where he is.

I reminded him of that and simply requested that he actually tell me no, when we can’t hang out instead of humming and haa-ing until the last possible second – thus letting me get my hopes up before saying no.

Arg. I know I don’t make it easy, but I’m really not asking for a lot – some attention (okay maybe a lot of attention), but it’s all in the moment stuff.

Betcha if you asked him, here’s what he’d say about me.

Should I be concerned that so many aspects of my life are summed with scenes from the Muppets?

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