
Posts Tagged ‘pig’

Draw a picture of a pig.

Not the words you expect to hear after being given a piece of paper and being told as a group you are going to have a personality test.

Did I mention I can’t draw?

Fortunately it seems that didn’t matter.

Here’s what my pig said about me.

It was looking at me, so I’m a realist.

According to the woman leading the course if you couldn’t see all four legs, it meant you were insecure – I never got around to drawing any of the legs. I don’t even want to know what that means.

A longer curly tail meant that I have a good sex life, which is only partially true.

The big ears meant I am a good listener, here I was thinking that just meant that I had proportion issues with drawing.

Other details about the big and where it was placed on the page said I like to play devil’s advocate, I don’t avoid conversation, I am direct, analytical and cautious … and could be in for a big change.

All and all the pig painted a pretty accurate description of me, which is not bad for a crayon and a white piece of paper.

I have to wonder what the change is, because I could use a little shake up in my life!

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