
Posts Tagged ‘sick’

By my definition of sick, I’m not sick.

What I am is exhausted, all I want to do while I’m at work is put my head on my desk and not necessarily sleep, but just give myself relief from holding it up (my head, not the desk). Walking down the hall to a colleague’s office seems like a distance I cannot walk and I haven’t been to the gym in two days.

I’m eating properly, but even that seems like a lot of effort. Maybe I can blame this on low iron?

However, I’m not sneezing, or having trouble breathing, there isn’t any constant pain anywhere (although occasionally I have a headache) – so I don’t have any symptoms.

I just don’t feel right or good.

So the question is this? Can I, in good conscience, take a sick day?

I know I will feel better, eventually. I would just like that to be now.

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