
Posts Tagged ‘simple’

When trying to sort out one’s rules for living, you can get hungry and in today’s world where women are expected to be actively involved in practically everything, environmentally friendly, not wasteful, avoiding fast or pre-packaged food and healthy, it can be difficult to know what to cook.

I know I often finding myself looking longingly at premade breakfast burritos in the frozen food aisle, before looking at the nutritional information on the back.

Unless it is the weekend, I struggle with finding time to cook and often I don’t get enough protein. Then I learned the miracles of those egg whites in a carton.

They are simply egg whites, no chemicals or anything.

I created this recipe this weekend, which has rapidly shot up my list of favourite breakfast foods. On its own there are less than 100 calories (about 83, in fact), but I like them with a piece of toast (especially if I have found time to make bread.

Eggs a la The Girl

½ cup liquid egg whites
1 wedge light laughing cow Swiss cheese
Pinch of salt, shake of pepper
¼ tsp. dill

Cooking spray, or for a slightly higher calorie count a little bit of butter, into a non-stick frying pan.
Add all the ingredients, mashing up the cheese with whatever you use to make eggs. Scramble together.
Remove from heat.
If you don’t like dill, which I think it kind of crazy, add whatever herbs it is that you do like.

Eggs a la The Girl

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